The Heliocentrics : 13 Degrees Of Reality (2013)
Cím13 Degrees Of Reality
KiadóP 2013 Now-Again Records
AlkotóThe Heliocentrics: előadó
Malcolm Catto: d., perc., guit., p.
Jake Ferguson: b., guit., vib., p.
Jack Yglesias: perc., fl., guit., strings
Ade Owusu: guit., keyb., effects, koto
Ollie Parfitt: p., keyb., effects
Tom Hodges: electronics
Mike Burnham: guit.
Shabaka Hutchings: bclar.
Danny Keane: vlc.
Raven: vl.
Tárgyszójazz, fusion, experimental
"Collateral Damage"
"Wrecking Ball"
"Mr. Owusu, I Presume?"
1Feedback (Intro)
3Public Safety Broadcast (Interlude)
4Mysterious Ways
5Dreams (Interlude)
6Collateral Damage
7Outtake (Interlude)
8Freeness, Pt. 2
9Wrecking Ball
10Mind Readers (Interlude)
11Descarga Electronica
12A Musical Conspiracy (Interlude)
13Eastern Begena
14Hall of Mirrors (Interlude)
15Mr. Owusu, I Presume?
16The Abstract and the Absolute (Interlude)
17Black Sky
18Prepare For Lift-Off (Interlude)
19Path of the Black Sun
21Vibrations of the Fallen Angels (Outro)
The Heliocentrics : 13 Degrees Of Reality (2013)
A lemez megtalálható a Fővárosi Szabó Ervin Könyvtár újpesti fiókjában (IV. Király u. 5.)